12 apr 2016

Looking forward to meet lifestories in NYC

I lived for one year in Manhattan when I was 9.

It was 1972. The Godfather was released. Diry Harry was released. ABBA was a hit and John Lennon and Led Zeppelin gave concerts. John Lennon was a 32-years-old new newyorker.

The city was quite a dirty apple then.

Our family rented an apartment in Mott street, just across Saint Patrick’s Old Cathedral. The neighborhood —it was Little Italy then— was very dark-muddy. Bowery street was a jungle of junkies and veterans stone laying on the sidewalks, waiting to die.

Still, the year I spent in Manhattan was injected under my skin. Now I feel New York City as my own city, more than the city I’ve been living in for many years, Buenos Aires.

I’d been back to New York in 2013 and 2014. The days I spent there, time was hardly enough for me to recover the city I had inside of me.

It took me a while to recognize the colors, the expressions in people’s faces, the shape of the buildings and the tress in the parks.

The city was the same and I was the same, in a way, but also, New York had changed and I was another person.

I will stay in New York again, from April 19th to April 30th. The city I was interested in back in 1972 is different and my interests are different, as well.

What am I interested now?

People, mainly.

The way you live, the way you think.

What do you expect from your future, how are you building your future.

What do you think about melancholy, about having children, about human dignity.

How do you eva.luate your life.

What do you think your parents owe you.

What to want the coming generations to inherit from you.

And so on.

Maybe I can record it somehow —video, voice, written words.

So, I’d like to contact people from New York.

If you have a little while to take me to some park or a caffe or to take a walk, so we can chat, I’d be delighted.


sigmound am not in new York but will wish you can contact me so i listen to more of your story and probable tell you mine.this is my number 2330503655825