Hiking New York City  01 jul 2014

Meeting people and hiking:)

Hello everyone,

I would like to invite all of you who are intrested into hiking to attend a small exusrions I have been planing to organize with some friends. We are planing to make a hiking trip in the mountains next week and we would be delighted to have many new faces on board.

We always look for new people to join our small exursions since the whole idea is to gather a group of people with similar interests and spend some time in nature hiking and taking long walks.

This way you would meet many new interesting people, get disconnected and enjoy some beautiful hours outdoors breathing the fresh air If you like the idea please invite more people who might be ineterested to attend Thanks.


Elizabeth Hi Juan I am mostly intrigued. Please give me more information:)
Paige hello i am interested!
Rog I am new here, Juan. Please give me more information and guide me through it, if you can. Thank you.