Camping New York City  29 jun 2014

organizing a camping weekend!

Hello people,

I would like to invite all the interested persones that would like to spend a weekend in nature to caontact me. With some friends we are organizing a group camping a few hours away from the city.

The idea is to go to nature and disconnect from the city rush, work, stress etc. We are leaving with cars and we are two families going. We would love to have more people to join on board.

Aso It would be a good idea to meet more couples like us, with children. All of us have children so we are bringing a lot of stuf t camping including tends, food, seeping bags etc. Joing us


Merry Hey Joe, I ove camping! Do you bring dogs also?
Anabella Hey Joe, nice name! I am in for the camping, when are you leaving?