Camping New York City  19 jun 2014

organizing camping with friends

Hello people,

My name is Miriam and I am 27. I love to spend time in nature, reading books and going for long walks. Some friends and I are organzing a camping trip for 5 days next week, and I would like to invite people to join.

We will be leaving the city on Thursday, and we have full equipments including tends, sleeping bags, GOOD MOOD:) etc. One friend is bringing her child also. So if you want to brink a pet it would not be a problem.

We want to have an easy camping trip with food and a lot of fun. I am inviting everybody. to come since the more the merrier


Diego hey Miriam sounds amazing for me! I will ask some friends to come along also!
Maria Diego make some space for me dude!!:DD
mike Hello Mirian and guys! Sure this sounds great id love to come also!