Camping New York City  05 jul 2014

Finding friends for camping and nature exursions

Hello guys,

My name is Ana and enjoy doing sports and all diffrent types of activites that are outdoors including running and yoga. I love spending time in nature and being outside. I always prefere going out for hiking or free climbing.

I would love to meet more people that share the same passion like I do. I would love to organize a field trip outside of the city like camping or hiking. I would love to form a group of people that understands this ambition and that would like to go from time to time for nature exusrions.

What do you say? Shall we?::)))


Tom hi Ana, I would love to go camping!
Niomi hey guys I am super interested also!
yahayaaa my name is Anita, i am looking for good relationship with you, please contact me true my email here ( [email protected]