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New York City Friends is the free social network to meet people largest in New York City.
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Date Orden

  • hi from UK, will visit New York

    12 jun Lady friendly uk, 34
    Hook up New York City
    32767 32767
  • good friendship and i like good music

    01 sept Draugas, 40
    Friendship New York City
    32767 32767
  • Lovely and kind hearted people

    04 aug Lover, 32
    Friendship New York City
    1881 1881
  • Meet new people For friendship

    12 apr Jaziz, 25
    Americans New York City
    1955 1955
  • Meet new people For friendship

    12 apr Jaziz, 25
    Americans New York City
    1622 1622
  • Meet new people

    26 oct Alaramason, 34
    Dating New York City
    1836 1836
  • Looking for friends

    07 mar Carrie busby, 27
    Americans New York City
    1740 1740
  • How does it feel to be single?

    11 jan Shannon, 43
    Looking for love New York City
    3162 3162
  • going out tonight and meeting new people

    21 jun Oona, 34
    Friendship New York City
    2649 2649
  • Looking to start a friendship group

    21 mar Lebrona, 42
    Friendship New York City
    32767 32767
  • Looking for fun and friends!

    08 jul Dane, 35
    Friendship New York City
    32767 32767
  • are you single?.....whats up

    14 may Aubrey, 36
    Friendship New York City
    32767 32767
  • Looking to connect with guys in my age range for friendship please

    09 sept Blue eyes, 40
    Friendship New York City
    32767 32767
  • seeking for a honest and intelligent man

    04 aug Alive, 41
    Women seeking men New York City
    1518 1518

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